Sr Audrey CSC - RIP
Sr Audrey CSC died on 18 April 2017, and her requiem Eucharist was at St Martin’s Hawksburn on Wednesday 26 April. Sr Linda Mary CSC writes, "For those who knew Audrey they will know this is an end of an era for CSC for which we give thanks. She died peacefully and very quickly at the end. A relief. Rejoice with us."
Community of SS Barnabas and Cecilia 20th Anniversary
On May 14, CSBC will be celebrating 20 years since its formation. We will mark the occasion with choral Evensong in St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide at 6 pm, followed by supper in the Cynthia Poulton Hall. CSBC was called into being by Bishop David McCall in 1997, when he received the vows of Sisters Jean Johnson and Sandra Sears at Ascension Day, May 8, that year. We began in Jamestown, then moved to Peterborough, where we remained until 2011. In January that year, Gladstone became the site for the Community House (now named ‘Nabas House’). For those of you who remember those times (or, indeed, the years before 1997 when Jean and Sandra travelled all over the diocese with a music team) you are welcome to join us in our celebration. Please contact Sister Sandra on 0400 157 709, or email:
ACARLA meets at Stroud
ACARLA - in full, the Advisory Council for Anglican Religious Life in Australia - is established by the Australian Anglican Bishops Conference for various purposes such as giving advice to bishops on religious life, giving a form of recognition to communities, advising those wishing to start communities, sharing information, etc.
The Advisory Council met this year February 15 – 16, preceded by a study/reflection day for leaders on February 14. Our venue was the Old Monastery (former home of the Anglican Poor Clares) at Stroud, where we were hosted by the resident Society of St Francis brothers.
Anglican Religious Life - part 1
Looking into History
Bernard loved the valleys, Benedict loved the hills, Francis the towns, and Dominic the great cities.
This old verse expresses something of the distinctiveness of four historic religious orders. The Cistercians (Bernard) generally built their monasteries in valleys and swamps, and worked to bring the land into production and beauty. Benedictine monasteries were generally on hilltops; perhaps because of a comparison made with Benedict and his Rule, and Moses the lawgiver. Franciscans went preaching from town to town. The Dominicans became associated with the great schools and universities in the cities.
CHN launch new website
Please check out the new website for the Community of the Holy Name,filled with lots of information and photographs. You can also download Newsletters and Prayer Aids from the website, as soon as they come out.
Thank you and God bless you.