Sisters of the Incarnation (SI)

House of the Incarnation
6 Sherbourne Terrace, - Dover Gardens
- SA 5048
- Australia
- (08) 8296 2166
Contact Form
Community History and Mission
- Community History and Mission
The Sisters of the Incarnation was founded in the diocese of Adelaide in 1981 as a contemporary expression of the Religious Life for women in the Anglican Church. In 1988, the two original sisters made their Profession of Life Intention within the Sisters of the Incarnation, before the Archbishop of Adelaide, the Visitor of the community. One member was ordained to the diaconate in 1990 and the priesthood in 1992.
The sisters live under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in a simple life style, and seek to maintain a balance between prayer, community life and work for each member and to worship and serve within the church. They combine the monastic and apostolic aspects of the Religious Life. The monastic aspects include prayer, domestic work at home, community life and hospitality. The charism of the community is to live our religious life close to the world, and to be a visible presence in the worshipping and working life of the church. Therefore where possible we worship in parish churches.
The Community is committed to sharing the office of the Australian Anglican Church. Therefore we use A Prayer Book for Australia for Morning and Evening Prayer, and Compline; Midday Office is from another source. In addition, the Sisters have an hour of prayer and time for spiritual reading each day. The eucharist is celebrated in the Sisters’ chapel during the week.
One of the sisters is engaged in parish ministry. The Sisters are open to offering spiritual friendship or direction, but we are unable to offer accommodation.
The Guardian of the Community is Revd Sister Juliana SI (priest)
The other member of the community is Sister Patricia SI
The community has a group of Friends who share special celebrations and significant events, many of whom have supported the community from the beginning, while others become Friends as we touch their lives. There is no formal structure.